
August 24, 2020

Why Do I Need My Advanced Scuba Diver Certification?

independent scuba diving classesAll divers begin getting their qualifications with a beginner’s Open Water course. It teaches novice divers some basic information and techniques, providing you with just the essentials to get you started. It’s great for learning how to use your scuba equipment and gives you the chance to practice your skills in a low-key setting. Once you learn the basics, it’ll only be a matter of time before you get the urge to do more challenging dives. The advanced scuba certification gives you the opportunity to go on more difficult dives by enhancing your skills and helps you feel more confident as a diver. 


With the advanced scuba certificate, you’ll be able to dive deeper into underwater territory you’ve not yet experienced. And, if you plan to dive professionally, then this course is a must. It’s clear there are many advantages to getting your advanced diving certification and John is happy to help you get there. As a certified Master Scuba Diver Trainer, he can help you complete your certification, providing you with quality and valuable information and training along the way.


 Continue Your Dive Education

What is the Advanced Scuba Diver Certification?

The advanced diver certification gives divers greater opportunities when it comes to underwater excursions. The certificate can be obtained through an Advanced Open Water course taught by a certified dive professional. During the course, your dive instructor will give you in-depth knowledge about diving practices, equipment, and safety which you’ll then use on your guided adventure dives. 

The advanced diver's course is designed to give divers more experience so that they feel more confident and become self-sufficient in the water in different scenarios and conditions than their open water course. With the help of your instructor, you’ll develop new skills to expand your diving opportunities and experience more of the underwater world.   

advanced diving certificateWhat are the advantages of having the Advanced Scuba Diver Certification?

There are several advantages to getting your advanced diver certification from gaining more experience to becoming a dive professional. Not only does the advanced diver certification give you comprehensive information about diving, but without the certification, the types of dives you’re able to participate in are more limited. So, along with being a great way to continue your education, the advanced diver certification can help you continue to experience more and go on greater underwater adventures. See how an advanced diver course can help you grow as a diver!

Gain More Experience and Confidence

The advanced diver course takes students on 5 adventure dives which help divers get to feel more confident and natural when they dive. Through specialty training with your instructor, you’ll learn new dive skills such as buoyancy control and navigating underwater. During these adventure dives, you’ll practice new diving techniques and familiarize yourself with new dive specialties.

Expand Your Diving Opportunities

There are many levels and types of diving which can be mastered over time. The advanced diver certification is the first step in continuing your dive education. It’ll open doors to new diving opportunities that otherwise aren’t possible. 

Become a Dive Professional

Another advantage of obtaining your advanced diving certification is it allows you to pursue diving professionally. Without this certification, you won’t be able to move up in the diving community which limits the dives you can participate in and keeps you from improving your skills. If you love diving as much as our instructor John, then you’ll definitely want to get certified so you can become an expert diver, too. 

spear fishingGet Certified with Dreaming Sea Divers

Interested in expanding your dive abilities? Then connect with John at Dreaming Sea Divers today to get your advanced scuba diver certification! As a certified PADI, SDI, and SSI Instructor with thousands of recorded dives under his belt, John is beyond passionate about helping others develop and embrace their love for diving. He emphasizes the importance of safety in his courses and is always willing to help a diver improve their skills. See how John can help you become a better diver today!


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