
April 26, 2021

The Benefits Of Owning Your Own SCUBA Gear

When it comes to SCUBA gear, you can either rent or purchase your own equipment. Each option has its pros and cons, but owning your own SCUBA gear is typically more practical for avid or regular SCUBA divers. Not only is cleanliness a non-issue when you purchase your own gear, but it could also save you money and give you more time under the water. Many SCUBA divers prefer to have their own equipment, and it’s easy to see why. To learn about all of the benefits of owning your own SCUBA gear, take a look below.  

The Cost of Owning vs. Renting

One of the first things you should consider when deciding if you want to purchase your own gear or continue renting it is how often you plan on going SCUBA diving. Avid divers who plan on taking several SCUBA trips a year are going to significantly benefit from having their own gear. Though the initial costs of SCUBA diving are steep, you won’t be paying for these things every time you dive. Most dive equipment lasts for decades and can be purchased second-hand from dive shops or other dive enthusiasts for a lesser cost.

If you plan on diving more than once or twice a year (and you should!), then purchasing your own SCUBA gear is going to allow you to have the best experience and will save you money in the long run. The cost of renting all the SCUBA equipment you need for a day trip can range between $50-$100. This amount quickly adds up and the constant re-renting means you won’t have any gear of your own to bring home, personalize (put everything right where you want it, download your dive log), and take care of.   

benefits of owning your own scuba gearEquipment That Fits Your Needs

The two most basic pieces of SCUBA gear you’ll be required to use with each dive are masks and fins. Both of these pieces are essential to your dive and having ill-fitting masks or fins often results in leaking and can be a huge distraction. Your mask should fit snug against your face so that the suction locks in the air and keeps out water. It should not be the case that you have to tighten it as tight as it goes to keep water out of it. And fins should be all about fit and comfort. This will help prevent unwanted distractions and overworking your muscles. 

Another piece of SCUBA gear that is extremely beneficial to own is a wet suit. Wetsuits are intended to keep you warm under the water, but this only works if the suit fits properly. If the fit isn’t just right then you will have water leaking in, making you cold and stopping the dive early. Because of this, it’s crucial that your wetsuit fits you snuggly and doesn’t let in any water. Also, most dive shops don’t offer different thicknesses of wetsuits, only thinner suits that can be very limiting and unusable in cold water conditions.

Understanding Your Gear

One of the biggest benefits of purchasing your own SCUBA gear is getting to familiarize yourself with how the equipment works. It’s so important to understand exactly how your gear functions and renting can lead to confusion that may be potentially dangerous in certain situations. 

Take, for instance, a dive computer. A Dive Computer’s job is to get you safely back to the surface. If you do not understand where all of the information is or why it is alarming you of something, then it is not helping you. Having one of your own means that there will be no questions about how the device works and you will be able to log every dive you go on. You can set the specific alarms that you want and turn off those that you do not. You can easily set it for the appropriate Enriched Air Nitrox mix because you’ll learn how to do so the same way every time. And, as mentioned before, you can download your dive profiles and log your dives digitally. There are many different makes and models of dive computers and they can take a while to get familiar with. Not only does owning your own allow you to keep track of your dives, but it also saves you time when it comes to getting set up for diving. 

Other SCUBA devices that are commonly used and worth purchasing for yourself are regulators and buoyancy control devices (BCD). A middle-of-the-road or higher-end regulator will breathe better than a lower-end one, no matter how deep you go within the recreational limits. BCD’s are not all made the same and do not all offer the same features. Some regulators offer better corrosion resistance than others and some are heavier which makes traveling with them less convenient. The same goes for BCD’s and some are more comfortable than others. These two devices can significantly improve your diving experience and are typically better maintained in your own home with normal use as opposed to heavy use as in being rented every day and dived much more than 100 times a year! BCDs are also customizable and being able to regulate the settings for you and keeping them there can save a great deal of time and hassle. You will put everything where you want every time and you will access it easier. Everything in its place and a place for everything.   

Maintaining Cleanliness and Functionality

One of the main reasons divers purchase their own gear is for maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of the equipment. Owning your own SCUBA gear means that no one besides you is using the equipment. You won’t have to worry about germs from other divers being on your equipment and you know exactly where it’s all been. 

You can also rest assured with your own gear that it’s been maintained to your standards. If a regulator is not maintained properly, it can pose a serious threat to the diver. When you purchase and maintain your own gear, you’re able to monitor the functionality of the device better and keep it in fully working condition. 

Available Accessoriesopen water certification

There are several dive accessories that are available for purchase, but not all of them are available to rent. Some of the most popular items are cameras, flashlights, signaling devices, and hunting gear. These items can be purchased and used in several dive trips which makes them worth spending the money on. 

SCUBA Diving with Dreaming Sea Divers

There are quite a few pieces of equipment you’ll need for SCUBA diving and if you plan on continuing this hobby or pursuing it as a professional, then it’s definitely in your best interest to purchase your own equipment. There are several benefits to owning your own SCUBA gear and we hope you’ll consider taking the plunge and getting your own equipment. 

Connect with John at Dreaming Sea Divers today to get your SCUBA diver certification or if you have any questions about gear! He emphasizes the importance of safety in his courses and is always willing to help new divers improve their skills. See how John can help you become a certified diver today! He is also a huge gear head and has tried many different makes, models, and styles of equipment and loves talking about equipment and helping divers find the perfect kit for them!


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